Wednesday, December 5, 2012

oink, oink

tis the season.

Gobble, gobble, ho, ho, ho or in America OINK, OINK. Just remember that the only "real" food I can think of that colors your tongue on the way in and the other stuff on the way out is beets. Any other Holiday colored, festivity oriented, Fatty fun food may not be the best for you no matter how pretty!!!! Fa la la

So, just for fun please share with me the pretty colored festivity foods that make you turn funny colored on the inside and FAT on the outside....... I promise I won't share this info with a soul......


  1. Happy's a great time to stay fit, healthy, happy, and wise. Think Talk Laf is a great resource for folks our age who want help navigating midlife - from our health matters, retirement planning, care for our parents or children...well you name it. Listen to us live on 55KRC Sundays from 2-3 pm and blog/network with us.

    1. Good job pushing where, when and why......vivalicious

  2. Thanks Elsa - Happy Holidays to you and your family.
    (btw, I'll re-post on FB) ScottB ATRC Alum

  3. I just started a new eating plan where I have cut carbs and it is working great. I am not really hungry and my clothes fit so much better.
